Tuesday, July 27, 2021

3 Wrong Moves and BOOM, it's 18 Miles

All I really wanted to do was go somewhere different for a longer run. After much geo-wrestling, I decided on an old route from my Boulder days. So, South Boulder Creek trail, across Hwy 93, UP to the Mesa Trail and a short loop, then down. Couldn’t really remember, but I thought 12-14 miles.

Upon crossing 93 and starting up the hill, I decided to take a single track trail which I thought might be a shortcut. 

Wrong move #1. It took me UP the hill, but was by no means a shortcut. Once up the hill I found a sign that pointed to the Mesa trail. I took it. 

Wrong move #2, It took me too far North. It seemed like FOREVER to actually get to the Mesa trail. Then after struggling to the Mesa trail (and I haven’t run it in 15 years probably), and a LONG way along it, I looked for the move DOWN the hill. Missed it. 

Wrong move #3. So I ran nearly the entirety of the Mesa trail before I found a way down.

Three wrong moves, and in the end, an 18 mile run. My legs are shot, but part of me is proud. I was out there running for over 4 1/2 hours on a knee that was supposed to be replaced a year and a half ago. Oh, did I mention that I ran out of water at about 3 hours. (also of note, actually got the nerve to ask five runners and cyclists who had finished their jaunts if they could spare a bit of water....... no, no, no, no, no. Thanks comrades). Better planning needed. HA!

While as tiring as any marathon I’ve ever run (with the exception of 1979 Pikes Peak), it was equally satisfying. I mean, I’m almost 70 years old, what the hell was I doing? Answer: Having a blast. Like many blasts, I may regret it tomorrow. I’ll jump off that bridge when I get to it.

Side notes
: the Mesa trail is rougher than 15 years ago and way rougher than the first time I ran it in 1980. Must be all those thousands upon thousands wearing it down. AND Boulder has changed immensely since I lived here in the 90’s. The one, and only thing I miss, are the trails.

The big side note is that I lived to tell about this. Monday, I was a hair stiff, had a higher than usual resting heart rate (55 instead of 48) and still managed 9 miles. Today...... well, today there were no aftereffects so I went another 10.

Amazingly, my knee feels pretty good. I've made some stride adjustments to keep my foot from landing too far forward, thus reducing the possibility of a pop or buckle (see: http://runspittle.blogspot.com/2020/09/pops-and-buckles-what-happens-to-my-knee.html). And it has REALLY helped. Also hoping more weight loss will further aid this progress.

All in all, I won't complain. The middle of 2021 is going well and despite some wrong turns, it's all good.

Friday, July 23, 2021

The Happy Post

Having perused my last few blog posts, I decided it was time to post after a good run, when I was feeling optimistic (not that I am pessimistic, ever, but sometimes this blog has becomes an outlet for the bad side of my current running journey). So, here it is: The Happy Post. 

I ran ten this morning. Five days into the week, my mileage is sitting at 47, so easily this will be another 60+ mile week. My 10 was at 13:07 pace which, while very slow, it's part of a slow progression for me during 2021. I began this year barely "running" at 15 minute pace. The lack of stability in my knee made every step an adventure not knowing how it would land. Incrementally, the 15 minute miles became 14:30, then under 14, then lower. I actually remember a couple of weeks ago being excited about a run that averaged under 13 like it was really cool (well, it was...... for me). Well, today, I didn't notice it. Didn't notice it? Yep, today after the run, I texted my wife, Linda, and said "ran ten easy." She said, "How was your knee?" I said, "I didn't notice." That's a good answer.

So, the last four weeks have been, in terms of mileage: 60, 63, 63, 56. That's a nice month. For the year, we are at 1433. That's more than ALL of 2019. I like it!

It's got me thinking about a few "races" this fall. Not races like see how fast we can go. Mostly races to be back out with the other people who love to do this crazy thing I love to do. Maybe Fortitude on Labor Day (a 10K), maybe something else...... not sure exactly what that looks like yet.

Is every run awesome? Well, yes and no. Every run is awesome from the standpoint of just being out there. Do they all feel awesome? Not at all. I still have very bad knee days. I still think that eventually this crabby little thing will have to be replaced. On the whole, however, I'm a pretty happy fella.

Thus, the Happy Post.

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