Saturday, August 14, 2021

55 Years!!! This running thing is pretty great!

Two days ago, August 12th was my 55th runnerversary. Amazing how the time flies, but also amazing how some things remain constant. Near as I can figure, the only things I've done for over 55 years has been be alive (and all of the stuff that goes with that (breathing, pumping blood, etc...) and being my Brother's Brother.

There are MANY posts on this Blog site that celebrate various running milestones of mine, so if you're looking for something reflective, it would be there. For me, I am in the present, and so much so lately that I actually missed my runnerversary, and that is rare. I guess it's mostly the fault of my new future running companion, but that's another story as little English Cream Retriever, Winston, is only 9 1/2 weeks old and a ways away from hitting the trails.

SO.... the present. It's going to be about a 58-60 mile week. This has been a back-off kind of week after three in the 70's. It's been a nice little "run" getting in some decent miles. If I could only get the strength thing and the diet dialed in, that would be awesome (oh well, always something to self-gripe about). At this moment, I have logged 1647 miles for the year and have yet to miss a day (probably shouldn't say that, but I'm not one of those jinx people anyway). Those miles should put on track for 2700 for the year, BUT..... if we have the knee surgery in December, those miles will have to wait.

All in all, I am presently 26 miles short of 118,000 for my career, so there's that. Keeping plugging towards the next big goal of 200,000 kilometers (124,274 1/4 miles).

Didn't work much in July, so had ample time to absorb all of those Olympic moments. THAT, however, will be for a blog post another day.

So, run on and keep having fun. tTake it from me, this running thing is pretty great!

New Kitchen, New Start!

I know it's  almost February, but finally, the new year begins. And with the new year, comes the new "watch what I eat" me. In...