Sunday, January 29, 2023

Could NOT Have Been Much Worse

2022 is over. AND.... it's taken me 29 days to post on here about what a disaster it was. First, I ran 1730 miles. That's certainly not what I would call a good year, but it isn't the worst. BUT it was.

I have bad running years before. I've been injured before. I've been unmotivated before. But until 2022, I've never just flat out given up before. And that's what I did last year. Somewhere around the end of August all of the moving, ladder climbing, painting, tree planting, and the whole rest of it became too much for my back, my hips, and my knee. It could not have been worse (slight exaggeration). Enough said.

Fortunately it's a new year, filled with new days and new optimism. This cloud of disaster year has lifted and I'm back at it. One realization of the change in the calendar was that two years ago, when I ran 2500+ miles, my knee didn't feel any better than it does today. I simply ran through it. I ran through it because I was motivated to do so. Maybe that's back.

Goals? Well, I have a few, but they're not tied to miles or runs or races. I want to simply get healthy again. I want to feel good in my clothes and not be embarrassed to be in public. I want to turn the health boat before it hits the iceberg. I guess that's a good goal.

Run on..... and lift, and ride, and do yoga, and pilates......

New Kitchen, New Start!

I know it's  almost February, but finally, the new year begins. And with the new year, comes the new "watch what I eat" me. In...