Friday, February 28, 2025

200,000 kilometers, Baby!

It's been a long time from milestone to milestone. It was October of 2012 when I hit the 100,000 mile mark on this wonderful running journey. Today came 200,000 kilometers. If you're wondering about 200,000 miles.... well, I'd have to live to almost 110 year old and still be running strong. Unlikely - you mean there is still a chance?????

Just the same, I've been looking forward to this one for a while now.

Long past are the days of Personal Bests, age group placings and the hunger of the race. Present instead, is the joy of the run and the pride of longevity. That, of course, does not mean I have no goals.

First, there's 2000 miles a year. That has always been one of two strict guidelines I've held in my adult running. A year isn't a serious running year unless I cover 2000 miles. Today, at months end (and a short month too) I am at 338 miles and that projects to about 2020-2060 miles. By the way, the other strict guideline is that any run less than 3 miles does not count (could be altering that when I'm in my 80's - who knows).

Then, most certainly is the Mont Blanc 23k race in June. Now don't get me wrong, my "A" goal in the Alps is to finish under the cutoff time of 6 hours. When I break down the miles, seems like that should be easy. Looking at the terrain, the elevation and the distance, maybe not so easy. Nonetheless, that's the big goal.

While I no longer have "streak" goals, it is of note that I have, so far, run everyday this year. Shhhhhhh, don't jinx it. Would like to see that consistency be duplicated in stretching, lifting, and some of the other essentials to remaining healthy. Would also love to get back to the weight in the 100,000 mile picture. That might be the biggest goal of all (biggest?).

Just the same, I've been on a nice little "run" lately with very few knee issues. Oh, it's not pain free but it's also not popping and buckling like it used to. We keep on ixing, bvuzzing, massaging and so forth.

On the 100,000 mile blogpost, I wrote this (and you can see it all here - :

"And upon reaching the 100,000 mile mark, I am grateful for what this simple aerobic activity has done for every facet of my life and being.

Running was/is a simple activity, cyclical in its nature. One foot placed in front of the next in order to move forward: to cover ground, to open my mind, to allow me opportunities to escape my troubles or celebrate my triumphs. Mostly, to connect me to and strengthen my relationship with this planet upon which I exist. For that, I am ecstatically, humbly grateful.

John Parker Jr. said it best in his epic story, Once A Runner, “Running to him was real; the way he did it the realest thing he knew. It was all joy and woe, hard as diamond; it made him weary beyond comprehension. But it also made him free.”

I am proud to be a runner."

Still goes.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

New Kitchen, New Start!

I know it's almost February, but finally, the new year begins. And with the new year, comes the new "watch what I eat" me.

In a normal year, the holidays pass, Linda stops making her world famous fudge, and it's easy to focus on a better, healthier, dietary regime. This year, unfortunately or fortunately, we're getting the kitchen remodeled (Linda is a kitchen designer by trade) and have basically been without one for several weeks. We've been out to eat, like, a million times or grabbing take out. Result: calories. Thursday, however, it all changes.

Thursday, the countertop is installed. With that comes the sink and real live running water and an almost fully functional kitchen (still need backsplash, paint, and some electrical work). Then, my friends, thing change. Or at least I hope so. Eating/Taking out has expanded my waist and reduced my wallet size.

By the way, I am fully aware that all of this dialogue sounds like rationalization/excuse making. I'm okay with that. Very okay.

With the new year has also come January weather. Our "new" house (it'll be three years in June), is on the moon. At least that's what I call it. We are a few miles east of Parker and another 800 feet of altitude up on the mesa (roughly 6100 feet). With that, comes odd weather, very odd weather.  Last year from January till the end of March, it literally snowed every 5 days. No sooner than the melting of the previous dropping, the fresh one made its way from the heavens.

Now, I don't have a problem with snow. I grew up in Michigan where the winters can be harsh. When the snow drops in the Great Lakes, you can wait a LOOOOONG time before it finally melts. And the Wind...... and Humidity........ I'd rather be in 20 degrees below zero here in Colorado than 20 above in Michigan. I digress.

The running, too, has been challenging. AND..... here's the big news: last week I actually wore tights on a run. 

Generally, tights do not enter the picture until the temp drops below 15-20 F (several family members have declared me crazy for running in shorts in those temps....... jealous, I'd say). Last week, one day shorts and 25, the next day tights and -6. 

The mileage has been acceptable: 36, 38, and this week will end around 43-45. The prohibitive factor has not been the weather, it's been the kitchen construction. Between Winston, ZOOM classes, and workers, it's not so easy to get out the door at the usual times.

During this time, I've managed a couple of double digit runs, AND some 800 repeats at lactate threshold (something we haven't done in a very long time). Felt like a fish out of water.

So far, we are on track for the two major goals of the year: 2000 miles, and finishing before the cutoff at the Mont Blanc 23k (received a special Christmas gift for that - more later). All in all, I'd say it's all good.

Run on, my friends.

200,000 kilometers, Baby!

It's been a long time from milestone to milestone. It was October of 2012 when I hit the 100,000 mile mark on this wonderful running jou...