Sunday, March 23, 2025

Mont Blanc 23k Episode 2: The More Things Stay the Same

Garden of the Gods

The road (trail) to Mont Blanc moves on.

It's a matter of time, a matter of miles. One foot in front of the other, slowly (in my case), but surely. That's exactly where we are 14 weeks out from my trip through the Alps.

Seriously..... almost nothing to report. This last week (ending today) was a back off a bit week after three build weeks in a row. We've run 47, 52, and 54 miles in the last three weeks. This one, then, backed off to 45. 

Had a few semi eventful jaunts. The first was in the Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs.

Originally I was going to run in the Garden of the Gods on Wednesday after teaching the Military Relocation Professional class at the Pikes Peak Association of Realtors in Colorado Springs. It was 65 degrees and beautiful. Turns out I got to the visitors center and had left my bag back at my classroom. BOO. Came back Friday to retrieve the bag and head for the Garden. Well, the Gods weren’t smiling too much that morning. HIGH winds, snow and cold. Had to run anyway!

Wasn't terrible, it was just difficult to see many of the fabulous views as the snow/wind/clouds made for lousy visibility. Next time, maybe.

The next almost cool runs were to be in Nashville (speaking at a conference). Nashville is essentially, sea level (597 feet). I live at 6100. This should have been three days of oxygen heaven. Turns out, not so much. I went on three runs in Music City and none of them were eventful in any way whatsoever.

Thank God I'm a Country Boy

The highly recommended "fantastic" trail along the Cumberland River was run down and seemed somewhat unsafe. My runs to the other side of the Cumberland were equally uninspiring.

Now, let me be fair, I Ubered my way from the airport to my hotel and was unable to run anywhere, any distance from downtown unless I wanted to pay the ride share world to get there. This probably got in the way of running in some better locations. Nonetheless, that was Nashville.

Upon returning home, my late week runs were the norm: Cherry Creek State Park, my hilly neighborhood, the East West Trail near the Rueter-Hess incline. Today, however, to add a twist, I expanded my 30-60 second "hill pushes" to hill semi sprints, or maybe we'll call them "big hill pushes." 6 x 30 seconds at about 12-15% incline knocked my heart rate to 162 (and according to the experts, that's higher than my max - ha, experts.....). All in all good fun.

So, with a week left in the month, I am at 505 miles. 50 next week will push my first quarter mileage to have my on track for about 2200. That would be fabulous.

Entertained two other thoughts on todays run (before the hill repeats left me delirious). I'm thinking maybe a trail 50k and/or a Rim to Rim Grand Canyon crossing. Eh..... just thinking.

Run on.

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Mont Blanc 23k Episode 1: The Countdown Begins!

Here we go..... T-Minus 16 weeks. Yep, a mere 16 x 7 days (that's 112 days, right?) until a race I've wanted to be in for a LOOOONG time.

So I figure I'll document this little journey and this is the best place to do it (cannot imagine anyone watching a video doc). Like my journey to Italy a few years ago, I'm mostly doing this for me. The eight real live people and the couple of hundred bot views I get are incidental (sorry if you're one of the eight - you're not incidental). 

Today, to kick off the countdown to Mont Blanc, I had a stellar day to close a good week.

First, I ran 7 miles in and near Washington Park in Denver. The run brought me to 52 miles for the week. It was a nice, easy jaunt, and one I would have done near home if it hadn't been for event #2: Mason's 7k race.

Mason, (in the first picture) for anyone who doesn't know, is my Grandson. He was an All State runner at Eaglecrest High School and catapulted that to a great career at Colorado State University. He was All Conference several times and the Mountain West 10k track Champion in 2023.

Long story, short, he won the Runnin' of the Green 7k today in what someone said was a course record (not sure as they just moved the course from Lower Down town to Wash Park). He looked strong and ran well especially considering he'd put in a repeated 60 hours a week as a first year accountant (it IS tax season).

Next cool thing was meeting 50 mile world record holder Charlie Lawrence. Charlie had placed fourth in the race (4.2 miles isn't exactly in the wheelhouse for an ultra guy). I've been following his career for a few years and it was a pleasure meeting him (even though he called me SIR).

On the physical front, my knee is still doing pretty well, and many of the items I track are on the upswing. My Garmin sleep score, by the way, would have had an average of about 88 for the week, but then was killed by the time change. 71 last night. Boooo! I realize that most of that wrist extracted data from my watch is, at best, un reliable. What I like is that the unreliability is most likely consistent. Maybe, then, improvement while not accurate, is real. Hmmmmmmm.....

This week the goal is 56-58 miles with a double digit run thrown in for the fun of it. I'm trying to carve out some consistency, get serious about my nutrition and up my strength work to where I am actually getting in my three days a week.

Getting close to making all the appropriate reservations. Probably flying in to Geneva and taking the train to Chamonix. We (my wife Linda and I) will either spend another few days in Switzerland or maybe down in Nice. Not sure yet.

Getting mildly excited.

Run on!

Friday, February 28, 2025

200,000 kilometers, Baby!

It's been a long time from milestone to milestone. It was October of 2012 when I hit the 100,000 mile mark on this wonderful running journey. Today came 200,000 kilometers. If you're wondering about 200,000 miles.... well, I'd have to live to almost 110 year old and still be running strong. Unlikely - you mean there is still a chance?????

Just the same, I've been looking forward to this one for a while now.

Long past are the days of Personal Bests, age group placings and the hunger of the race. Present instead, is the joy of the run and the pride of longevity. That, of course, does not mean I have no goals.

First, there's 2000 miles a year. That has always been one of two strict guidelines I've held in my adult running. A year isn't a serious running year unless I cover 2000 miles. Today, at months end (and a short month too) I am at 338 miles and that projects to about 2020-2060 miles. By the way, the other strict guideline is that any run less than 3 miles does not count (could be altering that when I'm in my 80's - who knows).

Then, most certainly is the Mont Blanc 23k race in June. Now don't get me wrong, my "A" goal in the Alps is to finish under the cutoff time of 6 hours. When I break down the miles, seems like that should be easy. Looking at the terrain, the elevation and the distance, maybe not so easy. Nonetheless, that's the big goal.

While I no longer have "streak" goals, it is of note that I have, so far, run everyday this year. Shhhhhhh, don't jinx it. Would like to see that consistency be duplicated in stretching, lifting, and some of the other essentials to remaining healthy. Would also love to get back to the weight in the 100,000 mile picture. That might be the biggest goal of all (biggest?).

Just the same, I've been on a nice little "run" lately with very few knee issues. Oh, it's not pain free but it's also not popping and buckling like it used to. We keep on ixing, bvuzzing, massaging and so forth.

On the 100,000 mile blogpost, I wrote this (and you can see it all here - :

"And upon reaching the 100,000 mile mark, I am grateful for what this simple aerobic activity has done for every facet of my life and being.

Running was/is a simple activity, cyclical in its nature. One foot placed in front of the next in order to move forward: to cover ground, to open my mind, to allow me opportunities to escape my troubles or celebrate my triumphs. Mostly, to connect me to and strengthen my relationship with this planet upon which I exist. For that, I am ecstatically, humbly grateful.

John Parker Jr. said it best in his epic story, Once A Runner, “Running to him was real; the way he did it the realest thing he knew. It was all joy and woe, hard as diamond; it made him weary beyond comprehension. But it also made him free.”

I am proud to be a runner."

Still goes.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

New Kitchen, New Start!

I know it's almost February, but finally, the new year begins. And with the new year, comes the new "watch what I eat" me.

In a normal year, the holidays pass, Linda stops making her world famous fudge, and it's easy to focus on a better, healthier, dietary regime. This year, unfortunately or fortunately, we're getting the kitchen remodeled (Linda is a kitchen designer by trade) and have basically been without one for several weeks. We've been out to eat, like, a million times or grabbing take out. Result: calories. Thursday, however, it all changes.

Thursday, the countertop is installed. With that comes the sink and real live running water and an almost fully functional kitchen (still need backsplash, paint, and some electrical work). Then, my friends, thing change. Or at least I hope so. Eating/Taking out has expanded my waist and reduced my wallet size.

By the way, I am fully aware that all of this dialogue sounds like rationalization/excuse making. I'm okay with that. Very okay.

With the new year has also come January weather. Our "new" house (it'll be three years in June), is on the moon. At least that's what I call it. We are a few miles east of Parker and another 800 feet of altitude up on the mesa (roughly 6100 feet). With that, comes odd weather, very odd weather.  Last year from January till the end of March, it literally snowed every 5 days. No sooner than the melting of the previous dropping, the fresh one made its way from the heavens.

Now, I don't have a problem with snow. I grew up in Michigan where the winters can be harsh. When the snow drops in the Great Lakes, you can wait a LOOOOONG time before it finally melts. And the Wind...... and Humidity........ I'd rather be in 20 degrees below zero here in Colorado than 20 above in Michigan. I digress.

The running, too, has been challenging. AND..... here's the big news: last week I actually wore tights on a run. 

Generally, tights do not enter the picture until the temp drops below 15-20 F (several family members have declared me crazy for running in shorts in those temps....... jealous, I'd say). Last week, one day shorts and 25, the next day tights and -6. 

The mileage has been acceptable: 36, 38, and this week will end around 43-45. The prohibitive factor has not been the weather, it's been the kitchen construction. Between Winston, ZOOM classes, and workers, it's not so easy to get out the door at the usual times.

During this time, I've managed a couple of double digit runs, AND some 800 repeats at lactate threshold (something we haven't done in a very long time). Felt like a fish out of water.

So far, we are on track for the two major goals of the year: 2000 miles, and finishing before the cutoff at the Mont Blanc 23k (received a special Christmas gift for that - more later). All in all, I'd say it's all good.

Run on, my friends.

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Short and Sweet Bye Bye 2024

6 miles on the East/West Trail today. Cold and Windy! It is/was the last run of the year. 2024? Not a good first quarter of the year but a decent finish altogether, I suppose.

1765 miles for the year, 123,943 Total in 58 + years.

331 miles to go for 200,000 km which is the next big "mile"stone. Other than that, Biggest 2025 target? My acceptance in the Marathon du Mont Blanc 23k in late June.

Looking forward to the Alps!

Happy New Year! Run on.

Monday, December 16, 2024

Wait! Fifteen More Days to Set the Course!


I have never been a fan of New Years resolutions. Always been a fan of goals. So, with fifteen glorious days left in 2024, it seems like the perfect time to get a head start on 2025. 

Two things jump out:

1) You can set goals anytime. It doesn't need to be January 1 for you (or me) to create the trajectory of where we're headed.

2) I've also read that it takes 21 days to form a new habit (we got that idea from Maxwell Maltz's book Psycho-Cybernetics). I've also read that it takes 90 days, 6 months, and that humans never change (that must have come from The Pessimists Guide to Life).

All of that leads me to beginning TODAY on my quest to make 2025 a fabulous year as well as maximize the next fifteen days as the launching pad. Most, if not all of the goals/habits, shared today are going to focus on running and health related areas of my life. I'm pretty sure most of you have little or no interest in my work goals, AND I strongly believe that if I take care of ME, the work will be fine.

First and foremost, I want to finish the Mont Blanc 23k before they pull me off the course. I have six and a half months to prepare and know what I need to do. Execution, then, becomes paramount.

This year I will end up with about 1760 miles (give or take 15-20). That's better than last year, but short of my 2000 miles needed to reflect "seriousness," something of a self imposed generalization. It's about 38.4 miles a week over the year to get there, but as I notice every year, consistency is the key to annual mileage. This year I probably had at least 2-3 very down months.

All of this hinges (pun intended) on my knee. I plan to see Dr. Romero late in January to chart out the strategy to whip this long annoying appendage. Many factors, I believe, will be involved.

Next, I need to be able to focus on the activities that I am great in the beginning, but terrible when it comes to consistency. Things like: strength training, the bike, yoga and stretching, core work, the sauna, and consistent use of other treatment platforms. Usually I create a vague plan for these without implementing specificity. So NOW, I will be placing these activities in my calendar. I like to say, "if it isn't in my calendar, it doesn't get done." Well, time to broaden the reach of that philosophy.

Longer trail runs, mountain runs (once the snowpack subsides), and longer weekly runs will become the staple of the running procedure. A few months ago, I began playing with what I call "hill charges," 30-60 second accelerations up hills that seem steep. In the last month they have gone to the wayside. These, while taxing, are actually fun and a great way to push myself a bit out of the box while build strength and better biomechanics.

Finally, the weight. It looks like I will end the year with a net loss of about 28 pounds in 2024. In order to blaze Mont Blanc, I have at least another 28 to go. Obviously, that must also happen to maximize overall health anyway.

BY THE WAY...... ran two more races since the last post. A Denver Turkey Trot (not too bad) and the Colder Bolder (absolutely horrendous). Yeah, no comment except that both T Shirts were nice additions to my collection.

So with a fifteen day head start, I am juiced to dive in (juiced, but not illegally so). What about you?

Run on.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

The Word is OUI!

The email said "You were more than 30,000 😍 to have entered the draw for the 90km, 42km, 23km and Star Duo of the 2025 Mont Blanc Marathon. Check the results now on our website." 

It took 20 minutes to track it all down, and most applicants received a NO, but finally the answer was: OUI! I'm in the Mont Blanc 23k at the end of June in 2025!!!

I've been trying to get in this thing for six years and each time missed out. This year, I adopted a new strategy: swing for the base hit. SO, instead of the 42km marathon, I entered the drawing for the 23k trek in the Alps.

Very exciting.

Other than that, what else is going on? Miles.

The seven weeks since the last offering of this blog has seen the following mileage totals: 41, 40, 38, 42, 45, 27 (took two days off that week) and 47. The goal is to continue gradually increasing the volume to where 45 is a low mileage week.

The KNEE? Well, it's not like it is magically been cured. There are basically two kinds of days: bad ones and decent ones. The biggest difference from a year ago is that the decent ones far outnumber the bad ones. The plan is to continue to shed pounds and eventually get to a point where I can try some things like gel injections. Just from the 30 pounds I've lost this year, I already see an improvement. 30 more and it should be even better.

Oh WAIT! He raced again????? Uh, yes "he"/me did. Shortly after my last post I ran the Indian Creek 5 mile trail race near Sedalia. While it was named a 5 mile, it was explained that it was actually a 5.7, and my watch said 5.96. So, whatever.

The Race Director yelled GOOOO at 8 am and we (about 50-60 of us) were off alongside the 15 mile racers. The first mile (roughly) was uphill singletrack followed by a steeper fire road. When we separated, us fivers moved to the narrow trail in the woods.... Gorgeous.

By this time I was firmly situated at the back of the pack. There might have been a family with little kids behind me and maybe someone else. The course was up the hill, downhill through the woods and back to the start line and then reversed. So on the way back, the almost two miles through the woods was pretty much all uphill, and what those people didn't know was that "I like me some uphill."

One by one I moved past the "I went out too fast" masses. At the top of the hill, after passing a younger couple, I did something I rarely do anymore, I opened it up a bit. It was fun!

Upon hitting the finish line, I discovered that I had passed a dozen or so fellow trail runners and had gapped the closest person by over a minute coming down. All in all, a nice morning in the mountains.

ALSO: Registered by the family for the Denver Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving, and also have myself in the ColderBolder 5K in December. Then, we'll see. Maybe a trail/mountain race; something with elevation gain. There's going to be plenty in the Alps.

Mileage-wise almost at 1600 for the year and it looks like I'll see 1800 by New Years Eve. That's not too shabby considering that in the first three months I had, like, 320. So, nice recovery. Next year we'll try to get back to 2000.

On the whole, all is pretty okay. What about you?

Run on! OUI!

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

I Raced? Get Outa Here!

Oh yeah! Look out baby, I'm back on the racing scene!

First and foremost, I have no recollection about the last time I participated in a "race." I suppose I could look it up but actually, I don't care. Mostly, I went to this one (The Boulderthon 5K) for the fun of being AT/IN a race. And lo and behold, it WAS fun.

This all begins back in June and July when my weekly mileage crept up to the forties and even three weeks over 50. This increase in fitness originated in two places: 1) better eating habits was causing (or at least supporting) weight loss, and 2) my knee, oddly, responded better to uphills and downhills but did not like the flats. In the end, I had dropped in a nice 13 week build up in mileage. Then, I got greedy.

I was in the Bay Area the week of July 15 got in a 9 mile effort in the Marin Headlands and followed the next day with a run that ended on a 1.6 mile steep uphill (to my Brother-in-Law John's house). Flight home was stiff and sore.  Adding to that in the previous days were Bayou Gulch (all hills), The Palmer Trail Loop #16 in the Springs, and some others and BAM! Broken knee.

The cost was two weeks of barely running at all, plus another two weeks at 25-35 miles. But then, I got on the roll once again. Consistent mileage in the 40s with only the occasional sore day created optimism for the future (and optimism is always good). So, the "race."

The Boulderthon 5K was set in downtown Boulder starting and finishing on Pearl Street. The first mile plus (maybe 1.3) was a slight downhill. The rest of it minus the last .1 was a gradual UPhill. Everyone was sent off in waves and I tucked myself back into wave 11 with some walkers, stroller pushing people, and people like me who were just strolling without pushing anything other than their bodies. It was really the perfect place. Most everyone in our group went out too fast and that made for fun in the second half of the race picking them off one by one.

I had a three tiered goal setup. The C goal was to finish without any kind of knee incident. The B goals was to run under 42 minutes (roughly 13:30 ish). And the A goal was to break 40.

None of this is dazzling, even by my standards. My PR (long, long ago) is 15:09. My 45+ year old PR is 18:14. So, 40 minutes was not going to get me too excited. But it did.

40 minutes equals 12:52 pace ORRRRR a minute per mile faster than my pace for what I would consider a good training session. Most of my runs hover between 13:45 and 14:30. For now, I would take that. SO, I run/race. 

Most of the way, I felt pretty good. I had one moment where I thought my knee was complaining but it barely lasted only 10-15 seconds. The rest of the time, I felt like I was moving pretty well. The finish, the last .1 was downhill, more downhill than the start (meaning a bit steeper). I worried about that a tad as I hit 10 minute pace there and wondered what my knee would think (it thought, yeah baby!).

Final time on my watch 40:01!

WHAT?????? 40:01? No way. Well, MAYBE the official/chip time would be 39:59. So, I waited...

all freakin' day.....


That's okay. Still fun. 

Look out baby!

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

From Nicely to Crap

It was a nice little run (pun intended). Sooner or later, it had to end. And end it did on July 17.

Five awesome weeks were strung together: 41 miles, 47, 55, 51, 50. Then, I went to California. Now, I don't want to blame California solely for this, but as a Coloradan, I blame California for most things.

I arrived on Monday. The plan was to get in a good run that afternoon and a great one on Tuesday. I wasn't in the mood to run, I didn't really want to drive to any particular destination to seek out my fab-Monday run. And did I mention I wasn't really in the mood?

So, I ran from John's house. John is my Brother-in-law, and an all-around good guy except for one thing. He chose to live on the top of this hill in Benicia, CA. Not just any hill, by the way, a 1.6 mile hill that has three kick-ass steep sections. Nonetheless, off I went.

The downhill was annoying. The steepest parts actually hurt (definition of hurt being any amount of pain higher than I expected). Once at the bottom, I cross the road to enter Benicia State Park. I love this park. It winds around an inlet, has some hills on the backside, and is lined with eucalyptus trees near the entrance. Mmmmmmm, nice smells. Then, because there was no escape (although a ride was available if I'd make the call), it was time for the climb to John's..

If the story is truthfully told, it wasn't that bad. Were there times when I wanted to summon the chariot? Yes. Were there times when walking seemed like the best plan? Yes! AND were there times when I was absolutely, positively, sure that John had moved his house further up the hill? YES!!!!!

On one of the steeper sections, my wife Linda drove by and said, "Do you want a ride?"

"No, don't need one," I said.

"Are you sure? Will you make it?"

"Thanks, but I've GOT to do this." So, I did.

Having lived to tell about it, I was off to Mill Valley the next morning. I grabbed some water for my hydration pack and drove through to Muir Beach. Just a bit up the road was the gigantic, and free, parking lot. I greased up, locked up, and I was off up the Coastal Trail. This was my third time on the Coastal trail, yet this time there was more to be added to the fun. This time, when the Coastal Trail intersected with the Muir Woods trail, I would take that loop.

Frankly, the Muir Woods are beautifully divine. After about half the loop, I saw the "Trail Construction Ahead" sign and decided to turn it back around and make it an out and back. No problem, especially since "you can only go into the woods halfway, then you're coming out," anyway. All was good until I began the descent on the Coastal Trail.

First of all, parts were steep. Worse, however, was that mountain bikers had ridden on the trail after a thunderstorm and had created a BIG rut in the middle of the trail in many spots. These were a nightmare for an old guy with a vulnerable knee. Came close to falling several times as I dodged the ruts at a speed that bordered on out of control. Happily, I made it to the end.

I flew home that night (knee very stiff), ran a lame 5 miles the next morning (knee was very sore), and then took the next 10 days off as even walking was a challenge. The knee was swollen, very sore, and my nice little run had ended. As I expected, it made my sad, disappointed, and extremely cranky.

Today, is Tuesday. Sunday I mostly walked 4 miles. Yesterday, it was 4 miles of 50/50. Today, i ran (jogged) 95+% of a 5 miler. It seems to be coming back. That would be nice.

Unfortunately, this yo-yo knee thing doesn't really fix the problem and the problem is I have a pretty damaged knee. 

So, for now, I take the Scarlet O'Hara approach: "I'll worry about that tomorrow."

Run on.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

It's Coming Along Nicely

Today I was asked this rare question, "How's your running coming?"

I call this a rare question because, for the most part, when you're as slow as I am no one cares about your running. It's boring. AND I have to confess that up until a few weeks ago, I didn't actually care about my running. I did it. I rarely missed a day. But it was without inspiration, without motivation.

What changed?

In all honesty, I don't know. I'm sure there is a multitude of factors including weight-loss, overall better health, clearing my mind to allow real, live me to come through, new shoes, a cool shirt..... who knows. And really, I don't care. I'm riding this baby for as long as I can.

It's been close to six months, like all of this year, that I have been highly motivated to get a more serious attitude about my running. Serious, mind you, does not mean fast. Serious means motivated, serious means committed. In his book, Marty Liquori's Guide For the Elite Runner, Marty wrote, "A commitment to serious Training (I substitute running) means that no matter what else you are in this world - doctor, lawyer, Indian Chief - first of all you are a runner." Marty, I'm in.

When something has been a HUGE part of your (my) identity for close to 58 years, it's very difficult to feel like you (I) should when that thing you do isn't being prioritized. I've been lost for a while now, and to be honest, maybe ten years. Sad, but probably true.

I'm thinking this time back will stick, even though it's really tough to know the future. I'm thinking that this, at 72 years old, might be the last shot to make this a "serious" thing.

Keep in mind, when I say serious, I am referring to the commitment. I have no aspirations of being even remotely semi fast (even for my age). That whole thing of measuring me by how I stack up against someone else left AGES ago. And I'm so blessed that it did. I'm my judge, I'm my jury, I'm my standard. Just the way it should have always been. WAY too many things in life are ruined when keeping up with the Jones' or when the standard is someone else.

Maybe, just maybe, my running has reentered the zen stage (not like Kipchoge Zen). It was there for a long time and then departed that fateful day many moons ago when my knee buckled and running was never the same.

So, my knee is healed? Hardly.

About two weeks ago, there was a shift on the pain scale. Normally the consistent spot on that ten scale was 6-7, sometimes a little lower or higher. Now, it's mostly a 3-4 with the occasional 2. I can take that. And some days, like today, I sat in the 2-3 range until around 4 1/2 miles and then we shot up to 8-9. I backed off, adjusted my foot strike, said some nice words to anyone in the vicinity, and brought it back to 3.

There is so much more to write about this, so much more to say about looking in the mirror and accepting and LIKING the person looking back. All that, for another time.

So, "How's my running coming?"

It's coming along nicely. Thanks for asking. By the way, the funky shirt in the picture was a Christmas gift that I could not even put on on Christmas Eve.

Run on.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Catch Up Blog

When real live people say, "oh, you have a running blog? Doesn't look like you post much." It must be time to post.

At the close of 2023, I wrote this:  "I want to simply feel better: less vulnerable, less fragile. Someday this running thing will end, but not in 2024, and not voluntarily." Luckily, 2024 has gotten gradually, very gradually, better. The weight loss thing is going fairly well (17 pounds so far - still 30+ to go). I'm hoping to have that weight thing accomplished by end of September. We'll see. In my case, lighter is better.

The running part of it has improved as well. I am currently at 690 miles for the year, and probably, unless something drastically changes, will see me around 1700 for the year. Running, of course, can often be somewhat controlled by the condition of my knee. 

January, February, and early March were fairly good from a mileage perspective averaging around 35 miles a week. Late March into April was extremely lame as injury, busy-ness, and apathy hit for three weeks. Logged only 13 miles in those. As I write this, my career total is creeping upward, currently at 122,868. While 123,000 is in the near future, the next landmark is 124, 274.2 ORRRRRR 200,000 kilometers.

Here's what I've noticed: it hurts less and feels considerably more stable. At the same time, it requires constant attention to avoid sprains, twists, pops, buckles, and anything else unsavory. My focus is to get out of slog mode. The slog mode is where it feels more like I am shuffling along as opposed to propelling myself forward. Actually, the intentional forward movement doesn't feel any worse, I've just spent so long slogging around that is more of a mental shift, a discipline thing, than a physical thing. Hopefully the more I work at it, the more natural it will become.

Still working on incorporating the strength and core stuff as well as dusting the cobwebs off my bike. This is the best time of the year to become habitual on those extra goodies as I am in the slow time for work and traveling.

Have set some goals. The first one was the 8 mile trail race at the Greenland Open Space. Unfortunately I missed that one BUT went there Monday and got in the 8 myself. As for the other goals, we'll lay them on the back burner for now.

All in all, life is good (as the t-shirt says). Run on.

Mont Blanc 23k Episode 2: The More Things Stay the Same

Garden of the Gods The road (trail) to Mont Blanc moves on. It's a matter of time, a matter of miles. One foot in front of the other, sl...