Wednesday, October 9, 2024

I Raced? Get Outa Here!

Oh yeah! Look out baby, I'm back on the racing scene!

First and foremost, I have no recollection about the last time I participated in a "race." I suppose I could look it up but actually, I don't care. Mostly, I went to this one (The Boulderthon 5K) for the fun of being AT/IN a race. And lo and behold, it WAS fun.

This all begins back in June and July when my weekly mileage crept up to the forties and even three weeks over 50. This increase in fitness originated in two places: 1) better eating habits was causing (or at least supporting) weight loss, and 2) my knee, oddly, responded better to uphills and downhills but did not like the flats. In the end, I had dropped in a nice 13 week build up in mileage. Then, I got greedy.

I was in the Bay Area the week of July 15 got in a 9 mile effort in the Marin Headlands and followed the next day with a run that ended on a 1.6 mile steep uphill (to my Brother-in-Law John's house). Flight home was stiff and sore.  Adding to that in the previous days were Bayou Gulch (all hills), The Palmer Trail Loop #16 in the Springs, and some others and BAM! Broken knee.

The cost was two weeks of barely running at all, plus another two weeks at 25-35 miles. But then, I got on the roll once again. Consistent mileage in the 40s with only the occasional sore day created optimism for the future (and optimism is always good). So, the "race."

The Boulderthon 5K was set in downtown Boulder starting and finishing on Pearl Street. The first mile plus (maybe 1.3) was a slight downhill. The rest of it minus the last .1 was a gradual UPhill. Everyone was sent off in waves and I tucked myself back into wave 11 with some walkers, stroller pushing people, and people like me who were just strolling without pushing anything other than their bodies. It was really the perfect place. Most everyone in our group went out too fast and that made for fun in the second half of the race picking them off one by one.

I had a three tiered goal setup. The C goal was to finish without any kind of knee incident. The B goals was to run under 42 minutes (roughly 13:30 ish). And the A goal was to break 40.

None of this is dazzling, even by my standards. My PR (long, long ago) is 15:09. My 45+ year old PR is 18:14. So, 40 minutes was not going to get me too excited. But it did.

40 minutes equals 12:52 pace ORRRRR a minute per mile faster than my pace for what I would consider a good training session. Most of my runs hover between 13:45 and 14:30. For now, I would take that. SO, I run/race. 

Most of the way, I felt pretty good. I had one moment where I thought my knee was complaining but it barely lasted only 10-15 seconds. The rest of the time, I felt like I was moving pretty well. The finish, the last .1 was downhill, more downhill than the start (meaning a bit steeper). I worried about that a tad as I hit 10 minute pace there and wondered what my knee would think (it thought, yeah baby!).

Final time on my watch 40:01!

WHAT?????? 40:01? No way. Well, MAYBE the official/chip time would be 39:59. So, I waited...

all freakin' day.....


That's okay. Still fun. 

Look out baby!

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

From Nicely to Crap

It was a nice little run (pun intended). Sooner or later, it had to end. And end it did on July 17.

Five awesome weeks were strung together: 41 miles, 47, 55, 51, 50. Then, I went to California. Now, I don't want to blame California solely for this, but as a Coloradoan, I blame California for most things.

I arrived on Monday. The plan was to get in a good run that afternoon and a great one on Tuesday. I wasn't in the mood to run, I didn't really want to drive to any particular destination to seek out my fab-Monday run. And did I mention I wasn't really in the mood?

So, I ran from John's house. John is my Brother-in-law, and an all-around good guy except for one thing. He chose to live on the top of this hill in Benicia, CA. Not just any hill, by the way, a 1.6 mile hill that has three kick-ass steep sections. Nonetheless, off I went.

The downhill was annoying. The steepest parts actually hurt (definition of hurt being any amount of pain higher than I expected). Once at the bottom, I cross the road to enter Benicia State Park. I love this park. It winds around an inlet, has some hills on the backside, and is lined with eucalyptus trees near the entrance. Mmmmmmm, nice smells. Then, because there was no escape (although a ride was available if I'd make the call), it was time for the climb to John's..

If the story is truthfully told, it wasn't that bad. Were there times when I wanted to summon the chariot? Yes. Were there times when walking seemed like the best plan? Yes! AND were there times when I was absolutely, positively, sure that John had moved his house further up the hill? YES!!!!!

On one of the steeper sections, my wife Linda drove by and said, "Do you want a ride?"

"No, don't need one," I said.

"Are you sure? Will you make it?"

"Thanks, but I've GOT to do this." So, I did.

Having lived to tell about it, I was off to Mill Valley the next morning. I grabbed some water for my hydration pack and drove through to Muir Beach. Just a bit up the road was the gigantic, and free, parking lot. I greased up, locked up, and I was off up the Coastal Trail. This was my third time on the Coastal trail, yet this time there was more to be added to the fun. This time, when the Coastal Trail intersected with the Muir Woods trail, I would take that loop.

Frankly, the Muir Woods are beautifully divine. After about half the loop, I saw the "Trail Construction Ahead" sign and decided to turn it back around and make it an out and back. No problem, especially since "you can only go into the woods halfway, then you're coming out," anyway. All was good until I began the descent on the Coastal Trail.

First of all, parts were steep. Worse, however, was that mountain bikers had ridden on the trail after a thunderstorm and had created a BIG rut in the middle of the trail in many spots. These were a nightmare for an old guy with a vulnerable knee. Came close to falling several times as I dodged the ruts at a speed that bordered on out of control. Happily, I made it to the end.

I flew home that night (knee very stiff), ran a lame 5 miles the next morning (knee was very sore), and then took the next 10 days off as even walking was a challenge. The knee was swollen, very sore, and my nice little run had ended. As I expected, it made my sad, disappointed, and extremely cranky.

Today, is Tuesday. Sunday I mostly walked 4 miles. Yesterday, it was 4 miles of 50/50. Today, i ran (jogged) 95+% of a 5 miler. It seems to be coming back. That would be nice.

Unfortunately, this yo-yo knee thing doesn't really fix the problem and the problem is I have a pretty damaged knee. 

So, for now, I take the Scarlet O'Hara approach: "I'll worry about that tomorrow."

Run on.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

It's Coming Along Nicely

Today I was asked this rare question, "How's your running coming?"

I call this a rare question because, for the most part, when you're as slow as I am no one cares about your running. It's boring. AND I have to confess that up until a few weeks ago, I didn't actually care about my running. I did it. I rarely missed a day. But it was without inspiration, without motivation.

What changed?

In all honesty, I don't know. I'm sure there is a multitude of factors including weight-loss, overall better health, clearing my mind to allow real, live me to come through, new shoes, a cool shirt..... who knows. And really, I don't care. I'm riding this baby for as long as I can.

It's been close to six months, like all of this year, that I have been highly motivated to get a more serious attitude about my running. Serious, mind you, does not mean fast. Serious means motivated, serious means committed. In his book, Marty Liquori's Guide For the Elite Runner, Marty wrote, "A commitment to serious Training (I substitute running) means that no matter what else you are in this world - doctor, lawyer, Indian Chief - first of all you are a runner." Marty, I'm in.

When something has been a HUGE part of your (my) identity for close to 58 years, it's very difficult to feel like you (I) should when that thing you do isn't being prioritized. I've been lost for a while now, and to be honest, maybe ten years. Sad, but probably true.

I'm thinking this time back will stick, even though it's really tough to know the future. I'm thinking that this, at 72 years old, might be the last shot to make this a "serious" thing.

Keep in mind, when I say serious, I am referring to the commitment. I have no aspirations of being even remotely semi fast (even for my age). That whole thing of measuring me by how I stack up against someone else left AGES ago. And I'm so blessed that it did. I'm my judge, I'm my jury, I'm my standard. Just the way it should have always been. WAY too many things in life are ruined when keeping up with the Jones' or when the standard is someone else.

Maybe, just maybe, my running has reentered the zen stage (not like Kipchoge Zen). It was there for a long time and then departed that fateful day many moons ago when my knee buckled and running was never the same.

So, my knee is healed? Hardly.

About two weeks ago, there was a shift on the pain scale. Normally the consistent spot on that ten scale was 6-7, sometimes a little lower or higher. Now, it's mostly a 3-4 with the occasional 2. I can take that. And some days, like today, I sat in the 2-3 range until around 4 1/2 miles and then we shot up to 8-9. I backed off, adjusted my foot strike, said some nice words to anyone in the vicinity, and brought it back to 3.

There is so much more to write about this, so much more to say about looking in the mirror and accepting and LIKING the person looking back. All that, for another time.

So, "How's my running coming?"

It's coming along nicely. Thanks for asking. By the way, the funky shirt in the picture was a Christmas gift that I could not even put on on Christmas Eve.

Run on.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Catch Up Blog

When real live people say, "oh, you have a running blog? Doesn't look like you post much." It must be time to post.

At the close of 2023, I wrote this:  "I want to simply feel better: less vulnerable, less fragile. Someday this running thing will end, but not in 2024, and not voluntarily." Luckily, 2024 has gotten gradually, very gradually, better. The weight loss thing is going fairly well (17 pounds so far - still 30+ to go). I'm hoping to have that weight thing accomplished by end of September. We'll see. In my case, lighter is better.

The running part of it has improved as well. I am currently at 690 miles for the year, and probably, unless something drastically changes, will see me around 1700 for the year. Running, of course, can often be somewhat controlled by the condition of my knee. 

January, February, and early March were fairly good from a mileage perspective averaging around 35 miles a week. Late March into April was extremely lame as injury, busy-ness, and apathy hit for three weeks. Logged only 13 miles in those. As I write this, my career total is creeping upward, currently at 122,868. While 123,000 is in the near future, the next landmark is 124, 274.2 ORRRRRR 200,000 kilometers.

Here's what I've noticed: it hurts less and feels considerably more stable. At the same time, it requires constant attention to avoid sprains, twists, pops, buckles, and anything else unsavory. My focus is to get out of slog mode. The slog mode is where it feels more like I am shuffling along as opposed to propelling myself forward. Actually, the intentional forward movement doesn't feel any worse, I've just spent so long slogging around that is more of a mental shift, a discipline thing, than a physical thing. Hopefully the more I work at it, the more natural it will become.

Still working on incorporating the strength and core stuff as well as dusting the cobwebs off my bike. This is the best time of the year to become habitual on those extra goodies as I am in the slow time for work and traveling.

Have set some goals. The first one was the 8 mile trail race at the Greenland Open Space. Unfortunately I missed that one BUT went there Monday and got in the 8 myself. As for the other goals, we'll lay them on the back burner for now.

All in all, life is good (as the t-shirt says). Run on.

Friday, December 29, 2023

Closing Out A Mediocre Year


As 2023 comes to an end, I would love to say it was a banner year. I just can't say that.

For the most part, I struggled to get in any amount of mileage with any sense of consistent motion. Early in the year was gimpy time, and the end of the year was the same. In between, it was a matter of slow going, but going nonetheless. Between mid-May and the end of September I averaged about 40-45 miles a week. I did cross the 121,000 and 122,000 mile thresholds during the year, so that's always good.

With two more days to run, I will end up with 1610 miles, give or take a mile or two. That's not the worst year of my adult life, but certainly does not meet the 2000 mile standard for a "serious" running year. The year was/is split pretty evenly at 746 and 874. It could have been significantly better, but the last 7 weeks have been a mileage disaster. Oh well.....     

Only a single "race" this year. I did the 4 mile Greenland Trail Run. I was supposed to run the 8 mile, but a bad step mishap two days prior, required dropping down to the shorter distance.

Will end the year with 12 pounds of net weight loss. Now, don't get me wrong, that's a good thing. It's just far short of the goal. SO...... I'll do what any red-blooded American would do and move the goal into this next year.

Well, what about the coming year? Well, I hope to drop enough weight to make the running easier than it is presently. With apologies to all of the weight alarmists, lighter, in most every case, is better. So that will be priority #1. Miles? Well, I'd like to get back over 2000. In fact, if I could get to just a hair over 2100, I would hit another major lifetime goal: 200,000 kilometers. We'll see.

I'd like to ride my bike more, cross train more (yoga, pilates, riding, strength training), not to mention more vertical. I had applied for the Mont Blanc Marathon as a means of motivating myself to hit the mountains, but alas, was rejected (maybe old age discrimination - maybe Anti-American bias - maybe unlucky). I have some other wishes for the year. We'll save those for another time.

Mostly, I want to simply feel better: less vulnerable, less fragile. Someday this running thing will end, but not in 2024, and not voluntarily.

Thanks. Run on.


Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Just a DAY????? Happy Global Running Day!

So, another Global Running Day has arrived! Global Running DAY???? Why not Global Running Week or Month???? 

According to, about 621 million people in the world run. That's roughly 9% of the earth's population. And all we get is a DAY??? A day is like 1/3rd of 1% of a year. And all we get is a DAY???? Rip off. Moving on.

My own running has had it's ups and downs since we last visited in April. Early May was great, in fact I ran in the Greenland Trail Race in early May. Slow but steady. In fact the first mile and a half which was moderately flat was the worst part. I could barely breathe. Once we made the big turn up the big hill, big differences began. I've mentioned before that my crappy knee seems to like going uphill more than flat, well, it was on the uphill that I finally felt okay. Weird. I tried to blame the altitude, but we were at 6200 feet and I live at 6200 feet.

Post Greenland, my motivation dropped a bit as did the condition of the previously mentioned knee, as did my mileage for a couple of weeks. BUT, it's coming back a bit. 38 last week, about 43 or so this week. I like the longer light and warmer temps (although it is still CHILLY at night and early morning. And the RAIN!!!!! For the last decade, I have been positive that I was somehow transplanted from Colorado to what I will unlovingly call Eastern California. NOW, someone has stuck Seattle in the mix. Seattle, CA.......

I've been ignoring the strength machinery downstairs, as well as that pot of Kale and the protein shake. Despite my unwillingness to become a much better eater (I'm already better, just not MUCH better), I have dropped about 8 pounds since May 1. 50-60 more soon, please.

On the Grandson front, Mason finished his "junior" year at Colorado State University with a 10,000 meter Mountain Conference Championship. He took the lead from a lagging group with 10 laps to go and gradually tightened the screws, getting rid of everyone  but Ryan Johnson from the Air Force Academy, and teammate Lars Mitchell with a lap to go. Then Mason dropped a 57.6 last lap to get the win. Too much fun. 

On the "by the way" addition, his 28:38 at the Stanford Invitational qualified him for the NCAA Regional Championships as well as placing him 3rd on the All-Time CSU 10K list. A good year.

Ryan, my son and his wife Sarah ran the Bolder Boulder together. Sarah's first time. Ryan's first time in a long time.

So that's it. Coming up on the halfway point of the year and will probably land at about 830 miles or so. Then we'll see how the back half goes.

Run on.

Monday, April 24, 2023

So, What's REALLY My Marathon PR in Todays World of Cheater Shoes (errrr, shoe tech)?

Tiger Ohbori

Was on a run this morning listening to a podcast about shoe technology and it got me wondering....... What would my PRs be in today's super shoes?

But wait, first let's catch up. Since my last post and my optimistic return from the ortho Doc, I have slowly gotten back into some running (jogging). The main goal was/is to build slowly, lose some weight, and then explore the world of gel injections for my knee and running without as much discomfort. The 6 weeks since then have logged 23, 31, 34, 39, 36, 36 miles. An 8 mile run yesterday at Waterton Canyon felt really good and is catapulting me to this weeks 40+ mile goal. The last time I ran 40 miles in a week was May of last year. Yikes.

I've registered for three "races," mostly just for the fun. One, however, is a biggie. Maybe more on that another time.

So, shoes...... My first marathon was in 1973. I ran 2:58:24. I died like a dog. Today with a 4% super shoe discount (I wore Tiger Ohbori's at the time - very light and nothing to them), my time might be 2:51:12. Oh, that's better, but let's dig deeper. I ran this time in Gainesville, FL and at the finish the temperature was just a tick under 80, WITH Florida humidity. So, let's knock off another, what, 5 minutes, maybe 10? Then let's factor in bad coaching. The week before my race, I was placed in the Motor City Marathon with the intent to race 20 miles as a test for the marathon. The result was a 1:50:05, 5:30 per mile average, and I felt great when literally pulled off the course by my coaches. I'm assuming I could have held the pace through the end, but let's say I dropped to 5:45. I'm still finishing around 2:26 or so. Instead I pass through 20 in Florida in 2:09 going backwards (BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP). So, I don't know, I think I'm getting hosed here.

NEXT...... my 3:10:33 as a fabulous 49 1/2 year old. Well, first the weather was good, no adjustment there. I ran a negative split, so no stupidity adjustment there. But the shoes, yes the shoes. I get 4% (that's what Nike says). So I'm in as a 3:02:59. I'll take it. Can we update that, please?

You know what, let's do them all..... 5K, 10K Half Marathon...... 

Nah, never mind. Where can I buy some shoes? and a knee.....

Run On!

Monday, March 13, 2023

Hope is Good

About a month ago, I slipped and fell in the Target parking lot and through a variety of contorsionistic moves was diagnosed with "an acute avulsion fracture of the deltoid ligament at the medial malleolus as well as the anterior capsular." Translation: the ligaments in my foot were stretched so far that they tore off some bone chips. I was given the boot and sent on my way. 
My parting gift from the Parker Adventist Hospital was the ortho follow-up with Dr. Alex Romero a few days later and again today. Today was my four week foot follow-up.

So, he had an X-ray taken and found that all is well in the foot world. Just keep adding movement steadily and expect occasional flair up issues for up to 4-6 months. It'll heal completely slowly.

Then, I bravely asked, “can we talk about my knee?” It had been briefly discussed four weeks ago, but mostly tabled for the future.

The last time anyone medical said anything decent about my knee, it was 2015. Today, that changed.

We began reviewing my knee history, quickly made it to the micro fracture surgery that never happened because, as the Doctor (who will remain nameless) said at the time, “WAY too much arthritis in there to do that.” So, she scoped around, charged me a bundle and it hurt within 8 months. 

A few years later came the ortho surgeon guys (who will also remain nameless) in Denver. “There’s a lot of arthritis in there. The best thing you could do is get it replaced.” We actually scheduled that little "procedure" twice, first time cancelled by me, second time by COVID. And I should make this clear: I was NEVER comfortable with the idea of a replaced knee.

Dr Romero then asked, have you had an X-ray lately? Uh, nope. So, he poked and prodded, twisted and played, then sent me off to x-ray. In the end, here is what we discovered today: the italicized stuff is from his notes:

“Examination of the left knee demonstrates that the patient's skin is intact. There is no significant soft tissue swelling or edema. There is negative patellar grind. There is range of motion from 0-125.  There is tenderness to palpation peripatellar medially. There is a ligamentously stable knee and a grossly normal neurologic and vascular examination distally. 

Other than my range being off, supposed to be 0-135, all of that stuff is pretty “normal.”

Then came the biggie: The patient's left knee he has underlying moderate grade osteoarthritis greatest in the medial compartment.  Today we discussed multiple different modalities to help him continue running.  We discussed the option of having an off loader brace utilized.  He has expressing some interest in this but is not ready to commit.  We also discussed the option of viscosupplementation (gel injections) versus PRP.  He would like to wait until he is closer to returning to running after rehabbing his ankle before he makes a decision on injection therapy.”

SOOOOO…… he said that the surgeons I had visited were mostly interested in doing what most surgeons are interested in doing which is surgery. He thought a strength program, along with weight loss (duh?), and then trying the gel injections might lead to a return to pain free running. The early key: cycling. He said it’s the quickest way to build strength in the knee, increase circulation, and help with range of motion. So set up that bike trainer!

I have spent the last, almost, decade, being without any concrete hope. Today, I have some. 

Hope is good.

Run on, maybe?

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Could NOT Have Been Much Worse

2022 is over. AND.... it's taken me 29 days to post on here about what a disaster it was. First, I ran 1730 miles. That's certainly not what I would call a good year, but it isn't the worst. BUT it was.

I have bad running years before. I've been injured before. I've been unmotivated before. But until 2022, I've never just flat out given up before. And that's what I did last year. Somewhere around the end of August all of the moving, ladder climbing, painting, tree planting, and the whole rest of it became too much for my back, my hips, and my knee. It could not have been worse (slight exaggeration). Enough said.

Fortunately it's a new year, filled with new days and new optimism. This cloud of disaster year has lifted and I'm back at it. One realization of the change in the calendar was that two years ago, when I ran 2500+ miles, my knee didn't feel any better than it does today. I simply ran through it. I ran through it because I was motivated to do so. Maybe that's back.

Goals? Well, I have a few, but they're not tied to miles or runs or races. I want to simply get healthy again. I want to feel good in my clothes and not be embarrassed to be in public. I want to turn the health boat before it hits the iceberg. I guess that's a good goal.

Run on..... and lift, and ride, and do yoga, and pilates......

Friday, July 22, 2022

The 120 Day "Something Else Too" Challenge

A bit more than halfway through the year and the news from the RunSpittle world is pretty simple: Still getting in miles - slowly - and wondering what's next in this running thing.

SO, roughly eight weeks ago, we moved. We left the hustle and bustle of Parker Road and Chambers for the hilltop views of Inspiration. Gone are the daily ventures to Tagawa (I guess I could still go there, but the drive is worse), replaced by the concrete, hilly, bike paths of the eastern hinterland. The views are fabulous, the hills are relentless, and the altitude is higher (about 6180 I think).

For roughly five weeks we had been packing one house and moving to the other. Constant manual labor. Sore back, hips, shoulders, and of course, knee. All a challenge, but one that I accepted with joy (HA!). It did take a toll on the running and overall mileage. 

Six months through 2022 and the mileage count was 1020. As you may know, I have two rules: 1) anything less than 3 miles is not a run, and 2) I'm not serious unless I'm getting in 2000 miles for a year. So far, on target.

Two big dates coming up: August 12th, my 56th runnerversary and in a little less than 2 weeks, we will hit 120,000 miles logged. Took long enough - LOL.

So, the new house and the basement setup for fitness has inspired some cross training. While I think of myself as a runner (no matter how slow I might be), I'm looking to expand my repertoire.

We brought over the weight machine (not an easy or inexpensive task), the treadmill, and the elliptical. Added to the mix was a badass pilates machine called the Reformer (and maybe someday, I will lay on that medieval looking contraption - if I can be shown what to do), and a rowing machine. With all that stuff merely 14 downward steps away, I guess there is no excuse. 

SO, I'm beginning my own fitness challenge: "120 Days of Something Else Too." Beginning Monday, July 25th, I will add some kind of Something Else fitness to my daily run trying to utilize these machines before cobwebs set in (on the machines, not me - well, maybe me too).

Also will be re-focusing on content creation in/on my business. You can find relevant real estate/sales content on my website - , video channel - - podcast the Daily RICHual . It's all kind of a refocus for everything.

And finally, my meditation practice has suffered immensely during a timeframe when, perhaps, I needed it the most (sadly that's how it happens many times).

Mondays will be check-in day here at RunSpittle and we'll see how it's going. 

Join me. Summer seems to be coming to a close already and you don't want to miss this opportunity to finely craft your snow body for the coming winter. Unlike beach bodies, only YOU, and select others, will know how ripped your are under that George Costanza Goretex coat.

Feel free to share your own challenge in the comments.

Run on (and Something Else Too).

Friday, February 11, 2022

High and Low Motivation, Hmmmmmm

Almost hitting six weeks into the new year, I'm finding both high and low levels of motivation.

On the high side, I am loving getting out in the morning, capturing that early sunshine in my body and mind, getting in some miles. On the low side, I'm just not interested right now in any significant mileage. Four miles seems nice, six miles seems long. I imagine that will change, at least I hope it does. At this point, I'm sort of in the Easy, Slow Mode.

I blame it all on the Corona Virus. That IS the in thing to do. Companies are doing it, politicians are doing it, everyone is doing it. So I am all in on blaming everything on the pandemic. The truth is that I am finally feeling pretty normal again (whatever that means for an old man - one day great, one day terrible). It was a long haul. The worst of it was getting the breathing back to where it ought to be.

As for those things that lie around the corner? 

Well, I am entered in the Eugene Half Marathon at the end of April. It may be a jog/walk kind of thing but I am moderately enthused about finishing in Hayward Field so that is the real motivation of the journey to Oregon. AND..... I guess I could be excited about being in a new age group (THAT is a stretch). 

Bigger than either, is that Linda and I are moving in early May. We have been in this area of South Aurora since 2007 and I have loved having easy access to the Cherry Creek State Park. Mostly though, I spend my run time near Tagawa Gardens. The new place is up in the Inspiration neighborhood south and east of here and no matter where you go, it's a hillfest. Still a moderately short drive to the Cherry Creek path and the Tagawa area. Anxious to test the new waters, or trails as it were.

The weather has been interesting. Like some of last winter, we seem to be in this pattern where it snows about every 5-7 days. The gap is long enough for the trails to dry up, but the dryness is met with the next "storm of the century." Because this is Colorado, by the way, the cold is balanced with the nice 50-60 degree days (by the way, where is the degree sign on my phone or computer?????).

All in all, I cannot complain much (well, I can ALWAYS complain a little). The quest for the perfect shoe continues. I'm on my third pair of Adidas UltraBoost 20, but while they seem nice, and I LOVE Adidas clothes, I think I'm missing something. It shouldn't be that complicated as I only need a good everyday cushy, supportive shoe. No need for some fancy racing thing. We'll see....

In the end, it's all good. Moved this carcass over 119,000 miles so far. Looking for thousands more.

Run on.

I Raced? Get Outa Here!

Oh yeah! Look out baby, I'm back on the racing scene! First and foremost, I have no recollection about the last time I participated in a...