Monday, December 16, 2024

Wait! Fifteen More Days to Set the Course!


I have never been a fan of New Years resolutions. Always been a fan of goals. So, with fifteen glorious days left in 2024, it seems like the perfect time to get a head start on 2025. 

Two things jump out:

1) You can set goals anytime. It doesn't need to be January 1 for you (or me) to create the trajectory of where we're headed.

2) I've also read that it takes 21 days to form a new habit (we got that idea from Maxwell Maltz's book Psycho-Cybernetics). I've also read that it takes 90 days, 6 months, and that humans never change (that must have come from The Pessimists Guide to Life).

All of that leads me to beginning TODAY on my quest to make 2025 a fabulous year as well as maximize the next fifteen days as the launching pad. Most, if not all of the goals/habits, shared today are going to focus on running and health related areas of my life. I'm pretty sure most of you have little or no interest in my work goals, AND I strongly believe that if I take care of ME, the work will be fine.

First and foremost, I want to finish the Mont Blanc 23k before they pull me off the course. I have six and a half months to prepare and know what I need to do. Execution, then, becomes paramount.

This year I will end up with about 1760 miles (give or take 15-20). That's better than last year, but short of my 2000 miles needed to reflect "seriousness," something of a self imposed generalization. It's about 38.4 miles a week over the year to get there, but as I notice every year, consistency is the key to annual mileage. This year I probably had at least 2-3 very down months.

All of this hinges (pun intended) on my knee. I plan to see Dr. Romero late in January to chart out the strategy to whip this long annoying appendage. Many factors, I believe, will be involved.

Next, I need to be able to focus on the activities that I am great in the beginning, but terrible when it comes to consistency. Things like: strength training, the bike, yoga and stretching, core work, the sauna, and consistent use of other treatment platforms. Usually I create a vague plan for these without implementing specificity. So NOW, I will be placing these activities in my calendar. I like to say, "if it isn't in my calendar, it doesn't get done." Well, time to broaden the reach of that philosophy.

Longer trail runs, mountain runs (once the snowpack subsides), and longer weekly runs will become the staple of the running procedure. A few months ago, I began playing with what I call "hill charges," 30-60 second accelerations up hills that seem steep. In the last month they have gone to the wayside. These, while taxing, are actually fun and a great way to push myself a bit out of the box while build strength and better biomechanics.

Finally, the weight. It looks like I will end the year with a net loss of about 28 pounds in 2024. In order to blaze Mont Blanc, I have at least another 28 to go. Obviously, that must also happen to maximize overall health anyway.

BY THE WAY...... ran two more races since the last post. A Denver Turkey Trot (not too bad) and the Colder Bolder (absolutely horrendous). Yeah, no comment except that both T Shirts were nice additions to my collection.

So with a fifteen day head start, I am juiced to dive in (juiced, but not illegally so). What about you?

Run on.

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