Saturday, December 31, 2011

Unsatisfactory Assessment.

Back in December of 2010, I set my running goals for 2011. There were eight. Assessing the past year, I find that I didn't quite accomplish many of those targets. Here is the recap:

Goal #1.  I will run every day in 2011. This one was successful. I ran everyday, with the shortest run being 3 miles and the longest being 22. The streak is presently at 462 days, my fifth longest streak (I have another year and a half to surpass the longest). My best week was 78 (week #41) and the best month (October) was 299.

Goal #22700 miles. Accomplished as well! Finished with 2788 which is the tenth best of my 46 years of logging runs. That brings my career count to 97,802 which should place in in a great position to get to 100K before the Mayan calendar stops.

Goal #3Three Marathons. One. Napa Valley, run easily.

Goal #4Qualify for Boston. Not even close.

Goal #5.  To FEEL like a runner again. I got close to this one. I lost 32 pounds between Jan 1 and Thanksgiving (have put on five since then though). It'll take another 20-25 to get to feel lean and mean.

Goal #6.  To connect with a plethora of new running friends and to reconnect with many old ones. Didn't happen. Ran alone almost exclusively.

Goal #7Half Ironman. Nope. This became mostly a financial issue.

Goal #8TimesHAHAHA. Ran ONE race. There were no times.

I suppose I could be discouraged, but I'm not. The most important goals which have to do with commitment and dedication were the ones I met. The rest were extra.

So, I'm like many of you, am looking forward to 2012. It's going to be a great year!

1 comment:

  1. Your mileage is enviable! You should be so proud. Here's to a great year Rich! Happy New Year and long may you run.


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