Friday, December 13, 2013

Blah, Blah, Blah

I'd like to apologize for not staying up to date on my running blog, Run Spittle. I would like to, but I'm not going to. For the most part, I just don't have anything to say. My running is still happening, my running is slow, my running is un-motivating , even for/to me.

I ran the Marine Corps Marathon in October. The course was cool, the people were great, the Marines were INCREDIBLE! The line to pick up packets was disgraceful. I had fun seeing my sons. I ran slower than I have ever run a marathon in my life. And honestly, didn't really care. Just wanted to finish. End of that story.

I've run 2501 miles in 2013, as of today. I'll reach 2600 by the end of the year. That's only 100 miles short of my original goal and since I lost a full month to my foot injury (during prime training time), I'm okay with coming up a little short.

It's cold, and for some reason this year, I don't like it. Normally, a wrap-up-and-let's-go-no-matter-how-brisk-it-is kind of guy, I've hit the treadmill four times in the last nine days. I hate the treadmill. See where this is leading?

On the bright side, I still get some great work ideas while out there. I haven't gained TOO much weight the last couple of months. I haven't worn out my shoes as quickly as usual. (See, I can be positive about this).

So there it is. You are up to date. I'll let you know if anything changes........

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