Sunday, July 6, 2014

A Good Week!

Scared the daylights out of this little guy
coming around a curve.
70 miles. Not bad. In fact, it's the best mileage week of 2014 and the last time I logged that many was the first week of October last year. No particularly long runs, just a steady stream of good days. The highlight, I suppose, has been feeling decent while running. This is something that just began in the last week and is highly welcome.

With the runs going better, there is the temptation of tempo runs, longer runs and some track work. I will do everything I can to resist (but I guarantee nothing). Ultimately, I guess, the goal if the November marathon. Maybe Savannah, maybe something else (although I have unfinished work in Savannah). With that on November 8, it opens the possibility of my first 50K run in Huntsville, Texas on the 22nd. Hope to make both those decisions pretty soon.

In the meantime, the plan is to continue consistency in training and avoid the little (and big) injuries. My work schedule in July and August is perfect for base building and I intend to take advantage of it.

Keep running.....

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