Sunday, August 30, 2015

Hop, Flap, Buzz, Ick: Run Log Week of August 24

Grasshoppers and August
It's late, dry, hot August. And that means one thing: Grasshoppers. The trails are loaded with the little buggers. Hop, Flap, Buzz, Ick, that's what they do. It is, in fact, the only time of the year when I am tempted to shave or at least clip, my leg hairs. It is constant: they hop to get out of the way; flap their little wings in the air; buzz my leg hairs with that flapping; and ICK! It's gross. But it's all okay, September is right around the corner. Cooler days, much less hop, flap, buzz, ick.

79 miles for the week, the eleventh in a row over 70 (in fact 834 miles in those weeks). One more in the 70's probably, then an easy week before the Imogene Pass Run. After that, serious training for the North Face 50K.

Step one was taken this week with the first 20 mile run. I don't believe I have done one of those in at least three years. It was set up with very low expectations. I didn't mention it prior to heading out the door, and in fact, didn't really commit to it until the twelve mile mark. The "plan" was to run the 14 mile loop, which had the possible extension to 20 right there at 12.  Can't  complain for the most part. Felt downright good for 18, then the wheels came off the wagon. The heat didn't help. The run began at a nice 58 degrees and ended at 84.

Given my travel schedule this week, I was not only surprised about the 20, but equally surprised about the 79. Basically ran in Chattanooga, Atlanta, Omaha and home and was able to keep the volume up. Nice.

Pretty excited about the impending climb up Imogene Pass (Sep 12). Hoping I can actually make it. We'll see. In the meantime, another week of serious mileage.

Run on.

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