Monday, September 21, 2015

Boring Week: Log September 14

YAWN....... Quite the boring week. While boring, several things of note:

1. Fourteenth week in a row over 70 miles. 1905 for the year. I just don't seem to be able to stop. Any run less than 6 or 7 miles doesn't seem worth doing and most of the time I'll be on an 8 or 9 mile loop and add on. There are worse problems to have....

2. Seem to be healed up from Imogene. Took it easy this week, stayed off the hills and did a plethora of things to help my stiff, spasmed back. Still a little tight, but already began getting back to the strength and core stuff for prevention.

3. Imogene magnet. Within two days of returning from my DNF (see I have decided I MUST go back next year and redeem myself.

4. Down to 185 pounds. That's 44 lost since late March. Looking for 15-20 more by mid- November. Eventually, we'll see (I weighed 139 in high school!).

5. Put my DNF blog (see link above) on the Imogene Pass Run Facebook page. YIKES! Normally one of my posts gets 40-50 views. This time: 386.

6. Traveling all of this week. We'll see how the miles stack up.

So that's my boring week. Run on!

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