Wednesday, November 1, 2017

So, What's Next?

After donning my big boy pants a few weeks ago, I have been forced to answer the question, what's next? It would have been easy to decide that this running thing, and especially the racing component, needs to be relinquished in my life. Seriously, I contemplated that. It's way uncomfortable, sometimes hurts, and I'm not getting any younger.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, I know me well enough that while I could have decided to never race again; to drop this whole marathon thing, I was never going to consider not running. I've been in this too long AND get too many extra benefits to not run.

SO...... I devised a plan to refocus myself and set some new goals. Here's a few:

1. Mileage. I love the fact that over the fifty-one years I have been running, I average over 2000 miles a year. I consider that my "seriousness" gauge. In 2016 and 2017 my knee surgery severely "crippled" (pun intended) my mileage. Anticipating no severe issues, I expect to be back over 2000 miles in 2018.

2. Races. I really think that some of marathon success can be based in racing shorter distances more often (at least for me). I think the more you race, the easier it is to rehearse the structure of training and racing. Even just working on your training cycles for a 10K or half-marathon will help when you construct your marathon training program. My goal is to race under the marathon distance a dozen times in the coming year. Have five scheduled already.

3. Marathons. While I would love to swear these off forever, I can't. Something in me wants to hit a certain number before I croak. I have seventeen under my belt so far, and while I can't tell you the number, I have a goal. By the way, I can't tell you the number not because it's a secret. I just don't know it yet. It might be 26, or maybe 50. Don't know. I do know I want to run three next year: spring, summer, fall. Up first, Eugene on April 29.

Sunday is the New York marathon. I will watch it on TV (well, record it). I may shed a tear, maybe not. All in all, however, I want to focus on getting back to pain free running, logging miles and feeling good about myself as a runner. That's what it's about for me anyway.

Run on.


  1. When you were my running coach, I kept a daily running �� log.
    Since I was hit by a car 12 years ago, almost to the date, my awesome orthopedic surgeon put 5 plates and thirty screws in my fractured hip, and a rod from my knee to my ankle. Had the screw removed from my knee, so now I can bike again. My point? I started walking more seriously lately, for two reasons. One, to lose e weight, and two, to walk 1/2

  2. walk a 1/2 marathon. SOOOO, since I'm getting into walking, I'm keeping a daily log-all because of you, coach Rich!!! Its really my accountability log, and no one knows but you.
    Keep running-the only reason I don't is because Dr. Leggon says I cannot due to pain and future arthritis.
    I still LOVE running and envy all who can. THANKS for pushing me-at least I can say I ran a full, sub four hours, I might add.

  3. Amy, the awesome part of running and walking is that we can all share the benefits at our own pace. I like that part of it cuz I have slowed down A BUNCH!!!!


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