Sunday, March 14, 2021

Up, Up, Up, Down. Meant to be that way.

So this week was/is the easy one. After a three weeks build (45 miles, 50, 56), it was time to back off a hair AND, it just so happening to coincide with two major events: me going on the road to teach and 2) the latest Blizzard of the Century.

A week ago, I went 12 miles. I was only planning on 11, but got a little carried away and tacked one (well, half of one) on at the end. It was a run the began very slowly for the first mile and a half before I fell into an okay pace (for me). Around 3 - 3 1/2 miles, I felt my knee pop a couple of times (see: to now what that means) followed by a full blown knee buckle. Surprise was my most obvious reaction as nothing like this has happened in quite awhile. So, I backed off a bit, hoping to regroup, and not have to call for a ride home. 

Amazingly, the knee calmed down and from about 4-12 was never to be heard from again. 

I won't say it was easy, but I cannot remember the last time I ran 12 miles in one setting. It was clear by mile 9, that by the time I got home (it was a run home kind of run), it would be 11.5. Well, in the world of whole, rounded numbers, THAT would not be tolerated. Thus, the extra.

Followed by a nice run on Sunday, it brought the weekly total to 56, a very good week. It also brought the yearly total to 445.

Because we build training over time, we occasionally need to take it easy. As Dr. Jim Loehr said, "In order to be fully engaged, we must periodically practice disengagement." So the was this week. I did have a nice run this week in Twin Falls, ID. I say nice because Twin Falls is a great place to run.

The trail begins in town (so for me that means near whatever hotel I am residing) and heads over to the ridge overlooking the Snake River. Then it stays across the top until it hits a trailhead the sends you down into the canyon. The whole trail is actually 12+ miles, but for me, it's usually a 4 out, 4 back kind of thing as I am always rushed for time in the morning.

What I did miss was the good run in Boise. Usually when in Boise, I try to go to the Riverfront trail or if I want some hills, to Camelback Park. Today, time was limited so I looped the mall parking lot across the street. Mall running is not my favorite thing, but whenever I am pressed for time, staying near a mall, and running in morning darkness, the mall fits the bill just fine. And for this day, it was good enough.

All in all, a good time, especially for a week of disengagement.

Run on.

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