Friday, July 22, 2022

The 120 Day "Something Else Too" Challenge

A bit more than halfway through the year and the news from the RunSpittle world is pretty simple: Still getting in miles - slowly - and wondering what's next in this running thing.

SO, roughly eight weeks ago, we moved. We left the hustle and bustle of Parker Road and Chambers for the hilltop views of Inspiration. Gone are the daily ventures to Tagawa (I guess I could still go there, but the drive is worse), replaced by the concrete, hilly, bike paths of the eastern hinterland. The views are fabulous, the hills are relentless, and the altitude is higher (about 6180 I think).

For roughly five weeks we had been packing one house and moving to the other. Constant manual labor. Sore back, hips, shoulders, and of course, knee. All a challenge, but one that I accepted with joy (HA!). It did take a toll on the running and overall mileage. 

Six months through 2022 and the mileage count was 1020. As you may know, I have two rules: 1) anything less than 3 miles is not a run, and 2) I'm not serious unless I'm getting in 2000 miles for a year. So far, on target.

Two big dates coming up: August 12th, my 56th runnerversary and in a little less than 2 weeks, we will hit 120,000 miles logged. Took long enough - LOL.

So, the new house and the basement setup for fitness has inspired some cross training. While I think of myself as a runner (no matter how slow I might be), I'm looking to expand my repertoire.

We brought over the weight machine (not an easy or inexpensive task), the treadmill, and the elliptical. Added to the mix was a badass pilates machine called the Reformer (and maybe someday, I will lay on that medieval looking contraption - if I can be shown what to do), and a rowing machine. With all that stuff merely 14 downward steps away, I guess there is no excuse. 

SO, I'm beginning my own fitness challenge: "120 Days of Something Else Too." Beginning Monday, July 25th, I will add some kind of Something Else fitness to my daily run trying to utilize these machines before cobwebs set in (on the machines, not me - well, maybe me too).

Also will be re-focusing on content creation in/on my business. You can find relevant real estate/sales content on my website - , video channel - - podcast the Daily RICHual . It's all kind of a refocus for everything.

And finally, my meditation practice has suffered immensely during a timeframe when, perhaps, I needed it the most (sadly that's how it happens many times).

Mondays will be check-in day here at RunSpittle and we'll see how it's going. 

Join me. Summer seems to be coming to a close already and you don't want to miss this opportunity to finely craft your snow body for the coming winter. Unlike beach bodies, only YOU, and select others, will know how ripped your are under that George Costanza Goretex coat.

Feel free to share your own challenge in the comments.

Run on (and Something Else Too).

1 comment:

  1. Herbal to Cure for (HSV), via…

    bacterial vaginosis
    Genital warts
    weakened immune system.
    weight loss.
    Prolonged inflammation of the lymphatic glands.
    Purple spots on the skin.
    Sores in mouth, anus or genitals.
    Memory loss.
    Depression and other neurological disorders


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