Friday, December 29, 2023

Closing Out A Mediocre Year


As 2023 comes to an end, I would love to say it was a banner year. I just can't say that.

For the most part, I struggled to get in any amount of mileage with any sense of consistent motion. Early in the year was gimpy time, and the end of the year was the same. In between, it was a matter of slow going, but going nonetheless. Between mid-May and the end of September I averaged about 40-45 miles a week. I did cross the 121,000 and 122,000 mile thresholds during the year, so that's always good.

With two more days to run, I will end up with 1610 miles, give or take a mile or two. That's not the worst year of my adult life, but certainly does not meet the 2000 mile standard for a "serious" running year. The year was/is split pretty evenly at 746 and 874. It could have been significantly better, but the last 7 weeks have been a mileage disaster. Oh well.....     

Only a single "race" this year. I did the 4 mile Greenland Trail Run. I was supposed to run the 8 mile, but a bad step mishap two days prior, required dropping down to the shorter distance.

Will end the year with 12 pounds of net weight loss. Now, don't get me wrong, that's a good thing. It's just far short of the goal. SO...... I'll do what any red-blooded American would do and move the goal into this next year.

Well, what about the coming year? Well, I hope to drop enough weight to make the running easier than it is presently. With apologies to all of the weight alarmists, lighter, in most every case, is better. So that will be priority #1. Miles? Well, I'd like to get back over 2000. In fact, if I could get to just a hair over 2100, I would hit another major lifetime goal: 200,000 kilometers. We'll see.

I'd like to ride my bike more, cross train more (yoga, pilates, riding, strength training), not to mention more vertical. I had applied for the Mont Blanc Marathon as a means of motivating myself to hit the mountains, but alas, was rejected (maybe old age discrimination - maybe Anti-American bias - maybe unlucky). I have some other wishes for the year. We'll save those for another time.

Mostly, I want to simply feel better: less vulnerable, less fragile. Someday this running thing will end, but not in 2024, and not voluntarily.

Thanks. Run on.



  1. "Your honesty about the ups and downs of the year is refreshing. It’s inspiring to see you keep going despite the challenges
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  2. Congrats on crossing the 121,000 and 122,000 mile marks! Those are huge achievements no matter what
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  3. It’s amazing that you still managed to average 40-45 miles a week in the middle of the year! That’s dedication.
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  4. Only one race, but it sounds like you made it count! Greenland Trail Run sounds like a tough one
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  5. "I totally get the struggle with keeping consistent mileage. It’s still awesome you’re sticking with it and planning ahead for next year
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  6. Setting new goals for 2024 sounds exciting! You’re giving yourself a solid foundation to make that 2,000 mile target.
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  7. It’s good to see someone who’s not afraid to adjust goals and keep moving forward. That’s real resilience
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  8. Your goal of hitting 200,000 kilometers is inspiring! Fingers crossed you reach it next year.
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  9. Sounds like 2024 will be a year of cross-training! Yoga and pilates will definitely help with those running goals

  10. So relatable that you’re carrying some goals over to the new year. Gives us all a bit of grace for our own journeys
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  11. Rejecting you from Mont Blanc Marathon? Definitely their loss! Hope you find another amazing race to aim for.
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