Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Peaceful Place

I'm finding that my running, in the past few weeks, is in kind of a peaceful place. While I'm not actually training for anything in particular, I am most definitely training. My log shows the last five weeks at an average of 70 miles a week. The pace varies, according to how I'm feeling any particular day. The only time Mr. Garmin is turned on is when I'm exploring a new route or monitoring my heart rate. On a weekly basis, a run of 15-21 miles is thrown in for good measure.

I'm on a real roll at work. The next three months are busy, busy, busy. As a speaker/trainer I am happiest when I am writing new content, booking gigs and delivering the message. Maybe my run training has subconsciously evolved to be exactly what I need at this time, a peaceful place where everything slows down a little.

I suppose I could label this phase as base building. The coach inside me would find it quite questionable that I would be running without focus or intent. Luckily, the coach inside me must be enjoying the time off as I feel no need to label this time of training and feel no guilt about not "training for something." Having just written those last words, it dawns on me that I am training for something - I am training for me. That's all, just me out running on my planet as I feel, connecting with whomever and whatever I choose. Wow.... does this make me one of those zen/chi guys?

Maybe there is an early spring marathon in my future. Not sure, maybe there isn't. I know one thing for sure, there is three inches of new snow on the path, it's a bit nippy and it's time to lace up my shoes... 


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