Tuesday, June 17, 2014

High (Low) Fives All Around

For the third day in a row no tornado warnings, no hail, no rain. Must be living the charmed life. Today's 9 mile run was the best of times and the worst of times. In my mind, it was a piece of cake ("never say piece of cake" - Billy Crystal in Forget Paris). In my body... not so much. 

Tired...... sluggish..... just plain exhausted. Not sure the origins of this yucky day, either. Maybe the moving and lifting of boxes for Alicia Sunday (probably). Maybe some cumulative tiredness from last weeks runs (hope not). Nonetheless, I made the best of it and kept on plugging away. Mentally, it was easy as the Cherry Creek State Park woods were in dazzling form. 

The woods is my favorite place to run within 25 miles of the house (and it is rapidly displacing some of my most treasured Boulder area trails on the rave list). The trees are awesome, the trail possesses a medium firmness, and it is SOOOO peaceful. Just a great place to run. Luckily today, I hit the woods (normally around the 3 mile mark of the loop) still in a positive state. 

Upon emergence, however, things changed. The tired, sluggish feeling set in. Add some heat to the equation and we've got trouble. Once I hit the long singletrack section, I was looking for any semblance of positivity. So, as often happens in a marathon when I have lost focus, I took to the high five (well actually, the low five). In the doldrums of the marathon's final 6-8 miles, I can find solace and a little inspiration in low five-ing the little kids along the course. Their energy is addictive. Today, however, no kids to be found. Obviously, a suitable replacement had to be found. 

2014 has not been the year of trail grooming in the CCSP. Maybe they are busy with more important tasks. Maybe they are just busy. Without the attention, the side weeds of the trail have become overgrown (or maybe, given the nature of nature, just grown). Either way, they are up to about three feet tall. Perfect height for some low fives. Problem solved!

What could be more inspiring than Mother Nature her very own self and the constant low five-ing of her weedy offspring? And to tell the truth, it wasn't too bad. The tops of the tunnel-creating weeds was soft and I could imagine the universe supporting the finish of my mediocre effort. That lasted until the pavement. Oh well, easy come, easy go.

All in all, I made it and while I could complain..... I won't. 9 miles in the books. On the way to a good week.

Low fives all around.

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