Sunday, June 29, 2014

Long Run Does NOT Go Well!

This little guy is a bit too close to Parker Road.
I shushed him away.
Okay, I confess: this was probably a little more than what I should have done. I was supposed to go 13 and I was actually going to do it at the Heart and Sole Half in Boulder. Glad I didn't drop THAT $80. I chose to run at home (home meaning Cherry Creek State Park).

The first four mile loop was run with my wife, Linda. We loped along at around 11 minute pace and while my heart rate stayed fantastically low, I sensed two bad things: it was getting HOT and my legs were not happy after going 13 on them yesterday. Once at the end of the loop it was time to head to the seven mile loop.

My seven mile park loop is a staple of my running. The first two miles into the park woods is a nice downhill. I enjoyed it but noticed I was drinking liberally. Once in the woods, even the shade didn't help much and then stupidity happened. After three and a half miles of the loop, I decided to turn around and make it an out and back creating an uphill tenth and eleventh miles. To top it off, by the ten mile mark: out of water. Stupid is as stupid does, I guess.

It sucked.

Luckily (I guess), at the 11 mile spot, my son Ryan was waiting with fresh water and hopefully the ability to carry me through the last four miles (I was hoping for being carried physically, if not at least mentally). I'd love to report that the influence of company and cold H2O turned the entire experience for the better. Unfortunately, I'd be lying if I wrote that. It was awful. Ryan must have thought we were walking most of the time, but remained a supportive trooper.

Nevertheless, 15 miles in the books. This was supposed to be an easy week but ended up at 64 miles, the second consecutive 60 mile week. Will drop this one down to 50. I promise.

All in all, with the exception of today's fiasco, I'm running easier than I have all year and have now officially dropped 9.6 pounds. Bring on the next 40......... and an easy week.

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