Monday, June 1, 2015

Bolder Boulder Week: 2015 (A Race Report?)

HE 169, not HC 169
Because my running week begins with Monday, Bolder Boulder week begins with, well, the Bolder Boulder. I didn't really decide to run until Saturday, but didn't consider that any kind of an extra burden (other than financial as it cost more money). My "racing," at this point, is purely for atmosphere and ambiance. Certainly not results.

Post time was 8:15 am, so about 7:30 ish the warm-up process began. A mile and a half and some light stretching and then finding my wave. HC, HC, HC, looking for wave HC. Ah, found it (more on that later). HC, by the way is in the non-seeded section. That means that you set no qualifying time for the race and are placed with all the other people who claim they are running, but have no qualifying time either (NEVER will do that again).

The gun fired and we were off. In the olden days, I would have settled into race pace quickly. With no 10K races under my belt in a LONG time, I have NO idea what race pace is/was. So, I fall into default setting: fast enough to feel fast, slow enough to know it's not too fast. My goal is simple: get to the finish line under 60 minutes (pretty lame for a guy who once ran in the 32-33 minute range and blazed a 37 and change at this very race) and not damage my seemingly healed hamstring.

The first 2 1/2 miles were a maze of people, dodging, weaving trying to find a way through the walking/jogging wave liars. The mile went by in 9:09, the next in 9:13. The third mile, through the neighborhoods and mostly uphill, was the slowest: 9:33. The issue was just before the three mile mark: POP goes the hammy (sounds like a children's song, right). Not a pull, but a distinctive clutch where a part of your body is saying, "take it easy there, fella. We're in charge." The hammy was tight, and a little painful so I ran the edge between discomfort and pull. 9:20, 8:52 and 9:22 then into the stadium. I met with Angie my Step Daughter), Brian (her husband) and Mason (Grandson and sub 40 minute blazer), chatted a bit and then cooled down.  10 miles for the day. 

All in all, okay considering. Except for that one pesky little detail. My number was HE 169, not HC, SO..... I ran in the wrong wave, and because I moved up in waves, I am officially DISQUALIFIED from the 2015 Bolder Boulder. Good thing they didn't check me for reindeer milk.

Tuesday and Wednesday: 6 easy miles and 8. Tight hamstring. Went in for a needling treatment with Dr. Carly May and YIKES, she found the spot all right. Thursday's run was 9 and I flat out just bonked at 7. Overheated, underfed. Just plain BONKED. Backed off to an easy 7 on Friday and seemed to feel somewhat better, setting the stage for Saturday's long run.

Highline Canal
Originally, Brian and I were going thirteen on the Highline Canal. A few logistical issues made it fifteen, but hey, who's counting, right? This run was one of those where I never felt terrible, but never felt anything close to good. It was just L O N G! We began cautiously slow but worked it better after the first 8. My heart rate was fine, the pace was okay, NO hamstring issues at all. So, I have to count it as a good sign.

So, I'm healthy, right? 

HA! Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water...... trimming the branches of a tree damaged by the snowstorm recently and stupidly took a dive off the ladder. I totally get how people break hips as mine got pretty banged up with little or no effort on my part. Nonetheless, Sunday's morning run was a bruised, gimpy 5 miles to get me to 60 for the week and close the month at 225. Not bad considering.

Weighed in at 204 and that's down 24 pounds in the last nine weeks. Not bad. A long way to go to get to 169. But.... one pound at a time. In the meantime, June is bustin' out all over.

Run on.

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